Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Procedure Text How to Make Keciput

Asslamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning toward afternoon guys, How are you today? I hope you all ok.
     By the way do you know Lombok Island? Yes, Lombok is one of Indonesian island with many famous touris attraction here. Lombok has a unique traditional food too, this like a marbel called Keciput.
     And then now I’ll tell tou  how to make keciput. Let’s get stared.
     First of all we must prepared the ingrediant, and for that we need Glutinous rice flour 200 g ,Cornflour 100 g,Baking powder 1 teaspoon, Sugar 100 g, Salt 1 tespoon, Eggs 4 items, Sesame seeds 100 g, Cooking oil to taste.
And then this is the steps. First mix glutinous rice flour , cornflour, baking powder, sugar and salt  in a bowl. Second add eggs and stir it with hand constantly to evenly.Third stirring is performed until the dough feel sticky no longer in the hands.
Fourth put  of the dough and shape it like marbel. Fiveth roll the douhg on the sesame spread until cover all the surface. Sixth turn on the oven. Seventh warm the cooking oil on the frying pan and fry them on it. And the last fry them until the color get yellowish. And then, Keciput is ready to serve.
     OK, thats all guys, I hope this usefull for you. Thanks for your attention.
          Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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